Booking an Ambulance


Emergency ambulance

If your request is for an emergency then dial 999.

Visit the Welsh Ambulance Services NHSambulance Trust website for further information.

When is appropriate to call an ambulance? - please click here to watch a video that should help you decide when to choose this option.

Routine Hospital Transport

Patients in North Wales who are eligible to book transport to hospital need to book it directly through a Regional Transport Booking Centre. Please do not telephone the Practice to book hospital transport. This ensures that patients receive the most appropriate type of transport relevant to their medical need. 

The centre is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm Fridays, excluding public holidays. Trained staff will ask a series of questions to ascertain a patient’s eligibility for transport to and from hospital and in some cases offer advice on alternative transport.   

Patients who meet the criteria for transport will need to telephone the Transport Booking Centre on 0300 123 2317 at least one week before they are due to attend hospital, the earlier the better. 

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